• Release date : May 27 2023 - 09:03
  • Visitor : 448
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Validity evaluation of Shahid Beheshti educational and therapeutic center by senior evaluators of the Ministry of Health

The senior accreditation evaluators of the Ministry of Health attended the Shahid Beheshti Educational and Treatment Center and reviewed the accreditation criteria and processes.

According to WebDA reporter in WebDA Hamedan, in line with the implementation of the fifth round of accreditation of health centers in the country, on Saturday, May 30, 1402, the senior accreditation evaluators of the Ministry of Health attended the Shahid Beheshti Educational and Treatment Center and reviewed the criteria and accreditation processes. At the beginning of the evaluators' presence in this center, a meeting was held with the presence of Dr. Tous Kiyani, the director of supervision and evaluation of the deputy of treatment, Dr. Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, the head of the hospital, the country engineer of the hospital, and a number of officials of the units and departments. In this meeting, Dr. Hosseini, while expressing the mission and vision of the hospital, emphasized the importance of patient safety as one of the most important organizational and accreditation priorities. Also, in this meeting, the country engineer of the hospital manager explained a complete report of the latest status of the center and the activities and measures taken in the past year. In the following, the accreditation evaluators of the Ministry of Health, while stating the objectives of accreditation, separately visited different departments of Shahid Beheshti Educational and Medical Center and recorded their documentation and observations regarding accreditation criteria. It should be noted that during the 2-day presence of the evaluators of the Ministry of Health in this center, all units and departments will be analyzed and evaluated according to the standards announced by the relevant ministry.

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