• Release date : Sep 10 2023 - 12:36
  • Visitor : 333
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
The meeting of the chancellors of four Iraqi universities with the chancellor of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences.

The meeting of the chancellors of four Iraqi universities with the chancellor of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences.

The chancellors of four Iraqi universities met and discussed with the chancellor of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences

 According to the Webda news agency in Hamedan, in this visit and cordial meeting, Dr. Adel Razi Jaber, chancellor of Sumer University, Dr. Bazan Hassan Jassim,  chancellor of Al-Wasit University, Dr. Yahya Abdul Reza Abbas, chancellor of Dhi Qar University, and Dr. Thamer Abdul Amir Hassan, chancellor of Al Karkh University in Iraq explained the capacities of each of their universities and shared  the common points in   scientific interaction and scientific and research synergies

Also, in this meeting, Dr. Majzoubi, the chancellor of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, described the scientific, educational and research  capacities of this university and emphasized the need for mutual scientific and educational cooperation and interaction between Hamedan University of Medical Sciences and four guest universities

 After reviewing and analyzing the available capacities by the parties and announcing the results of the experts' evaluations that were previously held in separate meetings, a joint memorandum was concluded between Hamedan University of Medical Sciences and four Iraqi universities of Sumer, Al-Wasit, Dhi-Qar and Al-Karkh

In this memorandum, it was emphasized on providing the necessary groundwork and arrangements to use the professors of the universities under the agreement to hold classes, educational workshops and short-term classes, and there were clauses for the exchange of professors and students, the implementation of joint research and technological projects, and the creation of appropriate mechanisms for development of export and import of knowledge-based products, exchange of statistics, scientific and research information was written in it

 Also, among other clauses of this memorandum, we can hold joint conferences and festivals, providing the necessary ground for cooperation and assistance in the production and dissemination of knowledge, using the capacities of the Ministry of Food and Drug to meet each other's needs, use of hospitals, clinics and health centers related to universities 

The point of understanding was to improve the health level of the people of the two brotherly countries and to establish an office in each of the universities to follow up the matters related to memorandum

The end of this ceremony was the Awarding of the symbol of Al-Karkh University to Dr. Majzoubi, the chancellor of the Hamedan university, and the awarding   of the symbol of Bu Ali and Hamedan University of Medical Sciences to the Iraqi guests

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